Garage Comparison Site: Transitioning From Leads to Profitability​ had a major challenge with reporting on & optimising their marketing activity. ​

Tracking was limited to show quotes requested on site, but no final sale & profitability data could be surfaced within the key marketing platforms, thus leaving the team blind in their marketing efforts.​

Working with HOP, moved to reporting separately in Power BI on quotes requested, final sales (minus refunds) spend and ROAS to show true profitability. ​

Then with HOP training the marketing team moved to optimise to profit, taking the company’s marketing into profitability for the first time in 10 years. ​

"House of Performance have helped us join up our full customer funnel with our performance marketing; enabling us to move away from just looking at initial CPL, to focus on overall campaign profitability. Working together, we have established suitable KPI's at campaign level to significantly improve performance YoY."​

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